Think like a scammer to spot social engineering tricks

Ever wondered how scammers manage to trick so many people? It’s because they’re masters of persuasion. While their methods may vary, social engineering tactics all focus on one thing: manipulating human behavior to steal personal data or corporate secrets. Here are some of their most-used tricks — because knowing their game is the first step […]

Top 5 gateways and vulnerabilities that lead to security breaches

IT-forward businesses operate more efficiently and precisely than ever before, but if they’re not taking the necessary precautions, they can also be vulnerable to more cyberattacks. With more devices connected to the internet today, it’s essential to be aware of the most common weak points that hackers use to breach your systems. Social engineering Social […]

Don’t fall for these common social engineering tricks

In an ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape, experts tirelessly develop new defense systems to safeguard individuals and businesses from the relentless pursuit of hackers. But hackers have found an effective way to circumvent even the most robust network security systems: They capitalize on human vulnerabilities, tricking people into divulging sensitive information. To avoid becoming the next target, […]

A guide to IT security terms everyone should know

You’ve probably heard the term “malware” thrown around a lot, but what does it actually mean? In this article, we will define malware and a few other commonly used terms in IT so you can better protect your business. Understanding these basic cybersecurity concepts doesn’t require deep IT expertise, so read on. Malware For a […]

Beware of these social engineering tactics

The Rio Summer Olympics took place years ago, but the hackers who infamously used social engineering to exploit the event are still with us. Although business owners may think that their systems are safe from malware, they may not be prepared for social engineering. This strategy can be used to steal personal information from unsuspecting […]

Cyber-crime and social engineering

For as long as there have been cybercriminals, there have been social engineers, or people who use tricks and scams to force other people to volunteer sensitive information. There are several ways to use social engineering to acquire valuable information like account passwords and bank accounts, but avoiding these scams comes down to one thing: […]

Don’t let hackers fool you with these tricks

According to several reports, the volume of malicious cyber attacks have increased since the beginning of the Rio Olympics. And even though our devices have the latest network security systems, hackers have a cunning trick up their sleeves — social engineering. Unlike malware and other viruses, social engineering tricks people into divulging sensitive data to […]

2016’s possible security problems

As shown by recent high-profile hacking scandals – targeting everyone from Sony Entertainment to the extramarital-affair-facilitating website Ashley Madison – cyber crime shows no sign of disappearing any time soon. In fact, experts predict that 2016 is going to be an even busier year for cyber criminals, hackers and scammers. So what do you need […]