Since it has just been released as a beta test, the next version of Google’s Android operating system still doesn’t have a full name and is known as “Android O” for now. What has been confirmed so far are extended battery life and an optimized notification system. But that’s not all. Here we’ve rounded up […]
Six new features from Android O
What will happen without Windows Vista?
As the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end.” Microsoft is saying goodbye to its 10-year-old operating system, Windows Vista. This means that from April 11th onwards, Windows Vista users won’t be receiving essential security and software updates. How much will this affect small- and medium-sized businesses? Windows Vista Launched worldwide on […]
Four noteworthy Nougat 7.0 features
For Android users, not only does a new operating system entail a new, confectionary-inspired name, but also a handful of features to look out for — case in point, Android 7.0 Nougat. Even better, older smartphone users can expect to enjoy it too, thus revoking Google Pixel of its exclusive privilege. Read on for four […]
Free Windows 10 upgrade for SMB’s
SMB stands for small- and medium-sized businesses, not Sorry Microsoft none of your Business. To clear up this misunderstanding, Microsoft has decided to offer Windows 10 upgrades to SMBs that previously refused to update. If you’re still unsure about it all, you can decide after reading this. “They’re extending the free upgrade to this segment […]
Updates on Microsoft Office for Mac
Microsoft has just announced plans to bring support for add-ins for the Mac version of Microsoft Office. Despite being in the initial testing stages, this development is still exciting nonetheless. This marks another step forward in Microsoft’s efforts to bring the Mac version of the Office Suite closer to its Windows counterpart. Read on for […]
No more extended support for Windows 7
When you grow accustomed to something — like a morning routine, a particular type of coffee, or in this case, an operating system — attempts at change aren’t always successful. Case in point, the struggle between Windows 7 and Windows 10. Users have until 2020 to make up their minds, and unless you don’t mind […]
Windows 10: user complaints addressed
Over the past year, Microsoft received major backlash for ‘forcing’ the Windows 10 update as well as future updates on PC users. Fortunately, the tech leader is taking steps to address customer complaints. This article takes a look at what changes we can expect from Microsoft this coming year. A patch and a glitch away […]
Android Nougat’s top 9 features
What gets you out of bed each day? Is it the smell of freshly-brewed coffee or the sounds of bacon sizzling on the pan? Now apply this toward smartphones: What gets you really worked up? Could it be the new, sleek design or its upgraded selfie camera? Regardless of the reason, we are all drawn […]
Linux bug threatens Android users
Despite great efforts to prevent broken hearts and to enhance mobile security, there’ll always be the one that gets away. It’s not uncommon for us to overlook things small in size; we rationalize this by assuring ourselves that no substantial harm can come from things so tiny. But with mobile security it’s the little guys […]
Windows 10 privacy protection tips
It takes seconds to infiltrate and obtain private information. And while it’s unlikely that Microsoft will cause your business financial ruin with their data collection, the fact is that Windows 10 gathers a ridiculous amount of private information from users. So here are some tips that will enhance your privacy when using the operating system. […]