There are hundreds of office apps on Google Play Store, each designed to help workers everywhere boost their productivity and efficiency. To save you the hassle of choosing the one that best suits your needs as well as your teams’, we’ve come up with a list of some of the best office apps for Android […]
Your guide to the best office apps for Android
A quick guide to Android backups
Your Android phone is your life. It contains business documents, calendar reminders, and contacts you can’t afford to lose. So if an unforeseen incident suddenly wipes out your data, you better be sure you’ve fully backed up your Android device. If you haven’t, check out this guide. Take advantage of cloud services The best way […]
Google Drive now allows comments on MS files
Google applications mostly comprise collaborative tools that are regularly updated to address your growing needs. With their new Google Drive update, gone are the days of converting files just to add a comment because you can now easily comment on the files in the ‘Preview’ pane. To reduce the hassles Google Drive allows your team […]