Firefox is one of the most versatile web browsers today and its potential uses only grow with each new version. Not only is it great for casual browsing, but it also has a selection of tools that are valuable in business. Here are some of the functions you should be using in Firefox: Firefox’s secret […]
Here are 6 Firefox features you should be using
What’s on tap for Windows 10 this fall?
This autumn, the changing leaves are accompanied by the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update from Microsoft. Not only is it retaining the “Creators Update” name, this version will reportedly focus more on bringing the Windows experience to iOS and Android devices as well. Here are some of the fresh features you’ll find in the upcoming […]
Firefox’s 8 hidden function upgrades
Warriors preparing for battle need to ensure they are armed with the best weapons and the strongest armor. The same can be said for businesses today. This means that web browsers that can house multiple windows just don’t cut it anymore; the ideal candidate makes the most out of your precious time instead of wasting […]